How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Story

For years a coveted feature on Instagram was elusive for most of us: adding a link to your story. 
It seems so simple, but it was reserved only for accounts with 10,000 followers or more. That left most small businesses out of the loop. Now, Instagram is allowing anyone to share a link in their story. 
Why does this matter? You can share a link to your audience where they’re spending a lot of time. Stories are really popular with Instagram users (500 million users share stories daily). It’s quick, interactive content. Users can re-share a story and add their own comments. They can direct message (DM) the poster to learn more, ask questions, or just say they love the content. In short, it’s perfect for increasing engagement on your profile.
This is great for your business because you can use stories to share a link to a new product, drive traffic to your blog, or encourage followers to fill out a contact form. And if you're encouraging your audience to re-share your story, it could have an even wider reach.  Adding a link to your Instagram story is pretty simple, but there are a few tricks to it. We've put together a short video showing you how to do it. 
Adding a link to your Instagram story is pretty simple, but there are a few tricks to it. We've put together a short video showing you how to do it.