Fiona Martin appears on SOCO Comunal Podcast

Fiona Martin in St. George, UT

FGM founder sat down with Gene Crawford and Greg Hilton for the SOCO Comunal Podcast in March 2023. She shares her entrepreneurial journey into the digital marketing world and her zeal for sustainable farming. Be prepared to be engulfed with inspiration from each word. Her Scottish-American upbringing and the influence of her family, not only add a unique flavor to her story but become the cornerstone of her life decisions.

We couldn’t help but delve into the captivating concept of a worker’s own cooperative, a business model that allows people to pool their resources for growth. As we unravel the critiques of capitalism, we discover how cooperatives have often come to the rescue. Fiona throws light on how to create cooperatives that can outlive their creators and serve as exit strategies for business owners. Be ready to have your thoughts stimulated by the insightful discussions surrounding the incorporation, benefits, and challenges of this model.

Fiona’s life as a competitive triathlete is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The motivation, the intense regimen, and the effect on her personal life – Fiona spills it all. She embodies the power of prioritizing goals and balancing life. These conversations about goal commitment, trade-offs, and the mental strength required for ambitious pursuits like long-distance events will make you rethink your own life choices. Fiona’s perspective on creating and breaking habits and making sustainable changes in life is an eye-opener. Get ready for an enriching ride into Fiona Martin’s world!

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Fiona Martin in St. George, UT